Lip Lightening
Lip darkening is a common issue that both men and women face. From smoking to allergies and dehydration, there are many reasons behind the lip losing its natural color. Thankfully, there are treatments such as laser lip lightening available that can restore the luster and beauty of your lip in no time.
Some of the reasons why you might have lip darkening issues:
It is one of the most common and self-induced causes of lip darkening. If you are addicted to smoking or are a regular smoker, there is every chance that you will have darker lips. Nicotine and tar are transferred onto the lip as you smoke, and that darkens your lips.
Too much caffeine
Coffee can cause lip-darkening. Especially too much consumption of caffeine and caffeine-based drinks can be problematic for your lips as it is to the rest of your body.
When you do not have enough water in your system, your lips will not lie. They will look dry, chipped, and dark as well if the dehydration continues for a while. It is an important thing to take care of to hydrate your lips and body alike constantly.
Excessive Sun Exposure
Melanin pigment production increases when there is too much exposure to the sun, leading to brown patches on the skin. Especially areas like the upper lip are very sensitive. Therefore, it is essential to use protection from the sun and use sunscreen before you step out.
Skin Disorder
There are skin disorders that may cause darker lips or spots and pigmentations on the skin. Some pigmentation disorders include melasma, acanthosis nigricans, and lip lick dermatitis, which cause dark upper lips and darkening of lips. A good dermatologist in Chennai can identify the right problem and provide the correct treatment, such as laser lip lightening.
Issues with Hair Removal
Sometimes, using waxing on the upper lip can lead to dark spots. One cannot emphasize enough that the upper lip is a susceptible area. When hair removal is not done correctly and by an expert, using a razor too often could damage that area and cause darkening.
Allergies and Inflammations
If you have had an injury to the lip or any form of inflammation, it could produce melanin. The melanin helps heal the inflammation but may result in discoloration. Also, Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) infections, drug reactions, and allergies can cause the lip to darken.
Preventing lip darkening is a smarter option than repairing it after the damage has already been done. Your body will also thank you for this. Some of the things you can do to prevent lip darkening include:
- Quit smoking, or pace it.
- Reduce caffeine consumption. Try juices or milk as an alternative.
- Watch what you apply on your lips and if you are having allergic reactions to it.
- Stay hydrated and drink lot of water and fluids.
- Speak to an expert in Chennai.
- Wear sunscreen before stepping out.
- Avoid using waxing or razor solutions for hair removal. Instead, opt for laser hair reduction treatment.
Getting a fix for discoloration of lips and upper lips is usually a cosmetic choice. You can choose different options available in the market that can help you treat lip darkening. The following are some of the options to lighten the lips and upper lips:
Laser Lip Lightening
Laser lip lightening is the latest technology that sends targeted light and heat to melt melanin deposits. It reduces pigmentation and makes the skin lighter. You might require multiple sessions, but it is considered a very practical option to lighten skin.
Home Remedies
There are plenty of home remedies available to lighten the upper lips and lips. These remedies have been passed on through generations and tend to be very effective. Home products include limes, lemon and sugar, turmeric and milk, aloe vera gel, and more.
Oils, Fruits, and Juices
Some oils that help lighten the lip and upper lip include coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, and mustard oil. Cucumber juice, almond paste, strawberry paste, rose water, beet paste, and more effectively lighten the area.
Over the Counter Medications
Many over-the-counter (or OTC) options are available for skin and lip lightening in today’s day and age. Ideally, they help reduce the melanin content in the skin and thereby fight the darkening. Sunscreens are a must but ensure you watch your skin closely as you use new products.
Chemical Peels
There are chemical peels that a dermatologist can suggest for lip lightening. The different peels can help to erase lines and treat pigmentation on the skin. It clears the skin and removes darkening, and makes it lighter. There are also herbal and plant-based versions available in the market if you want to go for.
If you are looking to get back those pink, natural and beautiful lips, then contact us. It is one of the best skin clinics that performs laser lip lightening, lip fillers, and other treatments related to hair, skin, and weight loss. Our experts will thoroughly analyze your medical history and suggest appropriate treatments.
Laser lip lightening is an excellent non-invasive treatment that reduces the darkness in the lips. The procedure is pretty simple. Your dermatologist will use unique nanosecond laser equipment to exfoliate the top layer of your lips. The procedures will encourage newer and lighter layers of skin to appear. It is a pain-free process. However, you may feel a slight sensation on your lip. These laser beams further boost collagen to revitalize the lip skin and give them a natural color. Before you opt for laser lip lightening, you must first know the causes of lip darkening and ways to prevent it.
1. Lip Peeling: Mild herbal peels containing argenine, sugarcane and milk extracts are used to lighten the color of lips. Visible results can be achieved in 4-6 sittings, each done within an interval of 15 days.
2. Micro Pigmentation: Organic pigments of different shades of natural pink are used to match ur lip skin tone. These vegetable derived pigments are then induced in the skin of lips to create a permanent hue of natural and lighter lip color.
3. Laser Lip Lightening: For darkly pigmented lips that have a shade of brown or black due to extra melanin deposition, Laser light is used to treat the lip area, which selectively blasts the melanin pigment of the lip skin. 3-6 sessions maybe required depending on the darkness of the lips.
4. Lip Skin Resurfacing: Treatment to improve the texture and color of the lips. It works best for dry and rough lips with uneven skin tone and color tone.It gives a smoother texture and lighter color to the lips
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